Getting Started
Welcome to Global Team Training 24/7! Our mission is to help you succeed in building your teams, creating duplication, and momentum, and becoming leaders. We have created powerful tools to support you every step of the way. Let's work together to achieve your goals!

Basic training
1. FREE Apps - Set up the 3 free apps as soon as possible. We have a FREE Apps Guide for Rakuten, Fetch,
and Upside on this website to help you. Start using the apps to save on your purchases. Share Nexus and
the savings platform with others. People want to know that the savings are real. If you have members joining
for free please share the 3 FREE Apps Instruction Guides with them. Only send Premium Members to this
website. Start getting familiar with the Premium apps: the Benefit Hub, Shopping Boss, and Bill Negotiator
in your Nexus Back Office. Click on apps and scroll down.
2. 800 Link - Set up a phone number with the 800 Link Voicemail System for your advertising campaigns. It will
host your Sizzle Call, take all your messages, and record the phone numbers of all callers. There is an
Instruction Guide on this website. You will use your sponsor's referral link to get started. You can choose
either an 800 number or a local number. The cost will be $9.95 per month, but once you have 3 paid referrals
yours will be free. See the 800 Link Instruction Guide on this website. Set up the account with the sizzle call
so you are ready to start advertising. Be sure to send your new Premium Team Members your referral link in
the Welcome letter when you send it to them.
3. Craigslist - We have a Craigslist Instruction Guide, Craigslist Price List (make note it is from 2021. I have not
found an updated version so there may be a few prices that are off), Craigslist Titles, and Craigslist Ads, to
help you get started advertising. There are also line ads for print ads. We will add more later as it becomes
4. Training Calls & Videos - We have composed a list of Nexus Conference Calls & Zooms and Videos from
some of our favorite Nexus leaders.
5. Prospect Sharing Tools - We have a list of our favorite Nexus calls and tools to share with your Prospects.
6. Text Messages - We have composed a text message guide with many of the texts we are using to share
Nexus with family, friends, and prospects. There are texts to promote the calls as well. Just edit and add
your website and their name or yours where applicable and you are ready to go.
7. Emails - We have several emails built for you to help you spread the Nexus story with others. Make any
changes, add your website link and information to the bottom of the page and you are ready to go.
8. VistaPrint Marketing/Sales Tools - We are designing tools on VistaPrint to help you grow your business. This
includes business cards, postcards, car magnets, and more. We will update as more tools are available. I
have also included links to marketing tools other leaders are using.
Welcome Letter
Congratulations Name,
Welcome to our team and this amazing opportunity with Nexus Snap Rewards.
If you haven’t already, log in to your back office, click on Apps, and download the first three free apps
using my referral links. Add your referral link in the box below mine so you can share your website
with others. There is a detailed instruction guide on setting up the 3 free apps: Rakuten, Upside, and
Fetch on our Training Website. Go to: TeamTraining247.com
The next step, if you want to do any advertising, such as Craigslist, you will need to set up an
800 Link phone number and attach our 3-minute Nexus Sizzle Call so it plays on the voicemail,
take messages, and capture the date, time, & phone number, etc. for each caller.
This is my 800 Link # 555-555-5555 where you can listen to the 3-minute Nexus sizzle call
yourself. You can use my referral link below to get your 800 number:
3 and It's Free Referral Program
Refer just three people and get your service free. Referring people is easy and your service is free for
as long as you have at least three active referrals at or above the level of service you are at. Here's
how it works:
● Give your personal referral link to anyone you think may benefit from our service. Your
personal referral link is: https://www.800link.com/CID- youraccountid
● When someone uses your link to order service, you automatically receive credit for the
● As long as you have three active (the account is not closed) referrals in good standing
(the account is paid up) at or above the level of service you are at, you will receive a
credit in the amount of your monthly service each month.
Once you get your 800 Link phone number, call me so we can make sure it is set up correctly.
There is a second detailed pdf with directions for setting up your 800 Link account attached.
I have also added a few training tools to familiarize you with some of the Great Benefits available
to Premium Members. Included are our team calls on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, how we earn
income, videos, and presentations with some of the Nexus Leaders. There are more tools available.
Go to: TeamTraining247.com You can also edit these tools and add your own information to share with your team members.
Remember you are not alone. There is a team of people here ready to help you to succeed.
Nexus – Wolf Pack Team Training
Wednesday’s @ 6 pm PT, 7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, and 9 pm ET
DIAL IN (712) 775-8972 Pin# 400669
Nexus Corporate Zoom Webinar
2024 Zoom Schedule Thursday’s 1:00 PM EST
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94676293267
Dial in: 346-248-7799 Meeting ID# 94676293267
Training tools
& videos
Nexus Sizzle Call - 24-hour Recording
Nexus – Wolf Pack Team Training
Wednesday’s @ 6 pm PT, 7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, and 9 pm ET
DIAL IN (712) 775-8972 Pin# 400669
Nexus Corporate Zoom Webinar
2024 Zoom Schedule Thursday’s 1:00 PM EST
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94676293267
Dial in: 346-248-7799 Meeting ID# 94676293267
Nexus Rewards Opportunity Presentation - Diamond Director Gloria MacDonald
Advantages of Upgrading to Nexus Premium before Thursday 11:59 PM EST
Nexus Compensation Video - 6 Ways To Earn
Nexus Rewards - Compensation Power Point Presentation
Nexus Rewards - 3 x 10 Forced Matrix Explained
Fast Start Go PRO Promotion
Nexus Training - Bambi Lynn
Interview with James Wood New Nexus Member who has Exploded the Business!
Why Everyone Should Add Nexus Snap - With @BigMel & Gloria McDonald
Training Videos From Nexus Back Office -The 3 Simple Steps To Getting Started - By Co-Founder - Art Phelps https://myautobuilder.com/video/3-steps-to-getting-started.mp4
Secret YouTube Strategies - By Internet Marketing Expert - Gloria MacDonald
Power Recruiting For LinkedIn - By Internet Marketing Expert - Gloria MacDonald https://myautobuilder.com/video/gloria-linkedin.mp4
tools for prospects
Nexus Sharing/Prospecting Tools
Nexus Sizzle Call - 24-hour Recording
Nexus – Wolf Pack Team Training
Wednesday’s @ 6 pm PT, 7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, and 9 pm ET
DIAL IN (712) 775-8972 Pin# 400669
Nexus Corporate Zoom Webinar
2024 Zoom Schedule Thursday’s 1:00 PM EST
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94676293267
Dial in: 346-248-7799 Meeting ID# 94676293267
Nexus Rewards Opportunity Presentation - Diamond Director Gloria MacDonald
Fast Start Go PRO Promotion
800 Link message center
800 Link Information - Phone Message & Answering System
We use 800 Link to answer the phone calls from our advertising. The 800 Link system will play our Nexus Sizzle Call, Take a Message, and Capture the Phone Number of every caller, along with the Time, Date, etc. of each caller.
Instructions To Set Up An Account With 800 Link
1. Use my referral link: 800link.com/sponsorsinfo Choose either a Local or 800 number. This line will cost you $9.95 monthly, but you can get it for free. I will explain how further down.
2. You will receive an email from 800 Link with your Account Information, Customer ID, and Security Code/Password. Attached to the email is a Quick Reference Sheet that will explain how to change the password.
3. Call 800 Link Customer Service at 800-864-2362 and have them load the Nexus Sizzle Call from Jacki Smith’s Account # 5003-58-7527 into your account. You will need to give them your Customer Account # also. If it is after hours you can email them at support@800link.com and include the information above. It will probably done before morning.
4. Log in to your account using your email and Security Code/Password.
Click on Services.
Click on your 800 link phone number.
Under the Standard Settings tab, under Voicemail Set the Outgoing Message to the Nexus Sizzle.
Set the Action after play to Take Message and check the box to Play Recording Instructions.
Click Save at the Bottom.
Next, go to the Notification tab.
Click on + Add Notification.
In the popup box for How choose SMS.
For Where put in your Cell Phone number.
For Carrier choose your Provider using the drop-down arrow. (Choose Rural Independent if not listed)
For When choose Only if message/fax received. It is already set to email you with every phone call that you receive.
Now click Ok to save. Now for every caller that leaves a message you will get a text notification immediately. This allows you to reach out to each caller right then if you are available and answer any questions they might have, or forward any information they might need.
5. Next, click on the Call Reports Tab. Next to Period, you will see Today’s date. There is a
drop-down arrow to the right with multiple choices. I use Month to Date or Last 7 Days most often. You can also use the calendar and custom-choose the start and end dates you want to see. After you choose, click OK at the bottom, then click Load next to the Date. Now it will load all the information on each call. If they left a message there will be an envelope to the left of the date. There is a Notes column on the far right of each caller to take notes when you phone them. There is not a lot of space so I keep their name, email, and basic information there and I take more detailed notes on each caller in a spiral notebook. Now is a good time to test the system. Call your 800 link number, listen to the entire message, and leave a short message. Now load today’s messages and verify you get a text showing you left a message and the call appears on your calls for today.
6. Next to hear any messages at the top click the tab Messages. To the left of each phone number, there is an arrow click it to play the message. Now you can listen to the message you left to confirm everything is set up correctly.
7. You can keep a list of the callers who are interested in Nexus by using the Contact List tab.
8. You can get your 800 Link System for Free with their referral plan. Here are the details.
3 and It's Free Referral Program
Refer just three people and get your service free. Referring people is easy and your service if free for as long as you have at least three active referrals at or above the level of service you are at.
Here's how it works:
Give your personal referral link to anyone you think may benefit from our service. Your personal referral link is: https://www.800link.com/CID-5XXXXXXXXX (Example)
When someone uses your link to order service, you automatically receive credit for the referral.
As long as you have three active (the account is not closed) referrals in good standing (the account is paid up) at or above the level of service you are at, you will receive a credit in the amount of your monthly service each month.
You will find your referral link by clicking the Help tab, then click on Account, then click on 3 And It’s Free Referral Plan. Your link is listed under #1. You will share this link with your New members in Nexus. Just copy and paste it at the top of this page under #1 in place of the example before you send it to your New Members and copy it and paste it in the Welcome Letter)
9. You can see your Referrals and confirm they are Active and Date Started using the Referrals tab at the top of the page.

VistaPrint Marketing Tools - Vistaprint.com
If you are new to Vistaprint set up a new account. If you have
an account just confirm your login works.
There are discount codes in Rakuten and in the Benefit Hub for Premium Members, so be sure to search for Vistaprint. Vistaprint also has discounts so sign up for their email notifications. Example: There is a 40% off currently. If I click through the email to their website the 40% is already counted. When I check out there is a place for a Promo Code. Use Rakuten or the Benefits Hub for the Promo code to save even more and get cash back.
You can try each promo on the checkout page to see what code gives you the best discount. The picture to the left is from the Rakuten browser extension I have on my computer. New members always get at least 25% off their first order using NEW25.
If you are ordering a marketing tool that I have created,
send me an email:To: askjackibiz@gmail.com
Subject: Nexus Tools Order
Include the name of the tool(s) you want to order (EX: Nexus Postcard #2) and your detailed information. Include your first and last name, phone number, email, Nexus website with username, and if you are using 800link include your 800link phone number for the Sizzle Call. I will use the templates I have to build it. When
it is ready I will call you and 3-way call Vistaprint and they will move the tool(s) from my account to your account.
Login to your Vistaprint account, and click on Rakuten to activate the Cash Back. Then click on My Projects. Pick the product you want to order, change the quantity, confirm the edits are correct, add your promo code, and place your order. If there are any issues contact your sponsor or myself. We are here to help.
When we have at least 100 people on our team ordering from VistaPrint they will set up a store for us and I
will update here with a link to the Store Account with all the tools.
If you have any problems setting up your account or with ordering call Vistaprint direct at 866-207-4955 Mon – Fri 7:00 AM – 3:00 AM EST, Sat – Sun 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM EST.
Talk about long hours.
I wish you success,
Jacki Smith

Nexus Postcard #1 - (4 x 6 in.) Shop & Save

Nexus Postcard #2 (4 x 6 in ) Focus Biz Opp
Marketing Tools & Companies Other Teams Have Used